Although coronavirus has curtailed many of our midweek groups and activities there are still opportunities to meet together online during the week.

2:42 Groups

We have a number of small groups that meet on a regular basis.  These are times when lives are shared, burdens lifted and deeper friendships formed.  The groups take their name from a Bible verse, Acts 2:42:  “the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer”.  We try to do some or all of these things when we meet.  There are currently groups in Allestree, Mickleover and Littleover.

We almost always study the Bible and pray together.  Sometimes we will study a particular book of the Bible and sometimes we take a topical issue and find out what the Bible has to say about it.

Everyone is encouraged to be part of one of the 2:42 groups, though we appreciate that, with family commitments and works pressures, this isn’t always possible.

These small group ‘get togethers’ are often the highlight of the week for some people, giving them contact with other Christians in the midst of busy and pressurised lives.  Do ask for more information if you are interested in joining one.