Children and Youth


On a Sunday morning, the Seeds group cares for children aged 0-3. With simple, faithful teaching about God and us, catchy songs, and plenty of toddler toys, the Seeds group is a great, safe place to leave your baby or toddler. It also provides a friendly space for parents to stay with their young babies if they wish (e.g. for feeding during the service).



JAM is made up of age-divided groups for children aged 3 to 11 years old on a Sunday morning. Normally the children will leave the main church service at about 11 o’clock for fellowship, fun, engaging age-related Bible teaching, songs and prayers!

Our JAM leaders are great at building friendships with the children, helping them to feel safe and loved, and work hard week-to-week to support parents as they tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done” (Ps 78:4). All our leaders are DBS-checked, and trained in Safeguarding children.

Please contact the church office if you would like more details.


For young people in secondary school there are groups each week as follows:

  • Tuesday Evening, 7.30pm-9pm: Yr7-9’s and Yr10-13s meet at church for friendship, fun, and a time of study and discussion, looking at relevant topics and bits of the Bible together.
  • Sunday Morning: roughly alternate weeks, the Yr 7-9s leave the main 10.30am service to chat, enjoy some refreshments, and study the same passage as the adults in a more interactive discussion format.
  • Sunday Afternoon: similarly, roughly alternate weeks, the 10s-15s leave the main 4pm service for their own age-specific group studying the same passage as the adults.
  • Sunday Evening, 8.15pm-9.30pm: a number of our Yr 10-13s join in with the evening service. After the service is finished, the Yr 10-13s take over the upstairs for social and fellowship time, enjoying some food and drink, chat, and a variety of games.

This term, on Tuesday evenings, the youth are learning about prayer, the most fundamental way of connecting and communicating with God! They’ll then be hearing the message of the prophet Zephaniah, seeing how it still impacts our lives today! Alongside that, they’ll be enjoying all sorts of fun and fellowship, with a few social evenings thrown in! The programme can be downloaded using the link below. Please go get in touch if you want any more information or support.