Ways to Get Involved
Life at Woodlands is about far more than Sundays. It’s a community where we can love, worship, belong, serve, learn, change and witness together to grow in faith and knowledge of Jesus to attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
One of the most precious ways in which this happens is through our 2:42 groups…
2:42 Midweek Groups
‘They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ (Acts 2:42)
In Acts 2:42, Luke gives us a picture of the key aspects that characterised the early church. Aspects which shape our life at Woodlands today, both on Sundays and at our midweek groups. Hence, why we’ve called them ‘2:42’ groups.
You’ll find midweek groups for both the morning and afternoon congregations, meeting in Allestree and the surrounding areas. They meet either on a Tuesday, Wednesday or a Thursday.
2:42 groups provide a great opportunity to open the Bible and learn from God’s word. Also, to enjoy fellowship together, be it over a meal or at another social. They’re a great way to get to know people and develop deeper friendships. Plus our midweek groups provide a wonderful means of supporting one another in prayer, which is so vital.
If you’re part of Woodlands, we’d encourage you to be part of a 2:42 group. For more information or if you’d like to join a midweek group, please contact:
Woodlands AM:
Warrick Martin – warrick.martin@woodlandschurch.org.uk
Woodlands PM:
Sam Pilgrim – sam.pilgrim@woodlandschurch.org.uk

We also want to be a church where we serve each other and our community. As part of Christ’s body we all have a part to play and we are all dependent on each other. Romans 12:3-8
In Woodlands Church we have a number of teams with groups of people who come together to develop and use the gifts that God has given us to glorify Him.
We have teams that help our community, teams that help our church, teams that help our young people and some teams that simply there to help us build relationships.
Helping our community
We have a number of teams which help our Allestree community and give us opportunities to serve them well.
OAKS meet on a Tuesday morning in the church building and provides a place for older people to meet, chat, play games within a community within which everyone is welcomed, valued and considered important.
ACORNS is our toddler group for our community that meets in the church building on a Monday during term times. Relationships are built with those who attend the regular sessions with plenty of activities for the young ones and tea and coffee for their parents and carers.
JUNIOR JIVERS is a small interactive music and movement group for preschoolers and their carers. We have fun and introduce Jesus through songs and stories.
On some Fridays of the month we run an after-school session developed for primary school children and their families. Imaginatively called FAMILY FRIDAYS the group builds on the work of Acorns and allows for stronger friendships to be built.
Our SCHOOL CONNECT group builds connections with our local schools and help their work in teaching the national curriculum. When asked we get involved in special events in the life of our schools and organise regular assemblies, one-off lessons, church visits and occasional outreach events such as Holiday clubs and Light Parties.
We recognise that many of the older people in Allestree have physical and material needs. VINES is our group that seeks to give a coordinated approach to the ways we help. In the past we have provided food parcels, community meals, OAP visiting and connection through other organisations.
Helping our young people
We are blessed to have many children and young people at our church and it is great to be able to help them understand more of the love of Jesus.
SEEDS meets in the morning service and is a place where our 0 to 3’s feel comfortable and secure and able to experience the love of God through play with each other and caring relationships with their leaders.
JAM are our groups in both the AM and PM services for our 3 to 11 year olds. Each group has age appropriate teaching and every child is cared for through healthy, fun and caring relationships with their leaders.
Our YOUTHWORK Teams share the good news about Jesus with young people both within and outside the church family helping each young person to know and love Jesus. Our team aims to create an environment where young people can be spiritually honest and build good relationships with their leaders.
Church members intentionally get to know 1 or 2 young people, meeting for 1 to 1 or 1 to 2 conversations, bible study, discussion, prayer and encouragement. Our CROSS-GENERATIONAL church members put into practice the biblical model of discipling across generations.
Helping our church
With so much going on in the life of the church we have a number of teams that help us to operate well.
Our SAFEGUARDING Team promotes a safer environment and culture within the church. It supports and helps recruit all those with any responsibility related to children and vulnerable adults. It ensures that any safeguarding concerns or allegations are responded to promptly and, if necessary, passed on to appropriate authorities.
God has provided us with a fantastic building and our MAINTENANCE Team seeks to keep the building functioning and usable for all the many and varied events that happen each and every week.
Our church is self-funding and employs a number of people. The FINANCE AND EMPLOYMENT Team provides good stewardship over the financial resources God has blessed us with. The team keeps the church informed about how the money is being used and, in conjunction with the Elders, determines the financial requirements of the church as it meets its charitable aims.
Music and song play an important part in our praise of God. Our MUSIC Team leads in all aspects of church life where music is needed to facilitate our praise of God, lift our enjoyment of Him and express thankfulness for all His blessing.
A warm welcome to our building is important. The STEWARDING Team help to make an environment where people feel at home and valued whether it is their first Sunday service or their hundredth. Our team helps people find their seats, looks out for the newcomer and provides practical support and information to enable safe, comfortable and efficient church gatherings.
Our services have live worship, use multimedia and are streamed live over YouTube. Our AUDIO/VISUAL Team provides a high-standard service both to those taking part in our services and those present in person and online to ensure that everyone is able to hear and see whatever is going on.
Everyone likes a good coffee at the end of the service. Our CATERING/KITCHEN Team provides refreshments at events held within the church building. It encourages best practice for health and safety and maintains a safe, hygienic, well equipped and organised kitchen for all groups to use.
Our COMMUNICATION Team considers the best way to share news about the activities of the church both internally and externally. It prepares, organizes, and requests content for publication on paper, the website and social media.
Building Relationships
We have a number of other groups that also help us to build relationships with each other and with our community
PUDDING CLUB is our group for women that meets several times a year. Breakfasts, craft evenings and events that offer plenty of puddings give opportunities for our women to have fun, support one another through life, and be encouraged and built up in the faith as they walk with Jesus.
BAND OF BROTHERS(AKA BOB) is for our men. Generally focussed around food and activity events are organised to give our men a chance to meet and spend time together. Through fun and social events men are encouraged to build deep and honest friendships as they are challenged to be Christ-centred in all aspects of their lives.
We all need help at some points in our life and our PASTORAL CARE Team ensures that members in our church family who need visiting at home are loved through practical help, personal visits, prayer and encouragement. Our care is not just practical – we help one another relate to God through all of life’s experiences.
Woodlands Church has mission partners based in other parts of the country and overseas. Our MISSION SUPPORT Team both encourages our church family to help others through short and long term mission trips as well as making regular contact with our mission partners, sharing news and support and growing our relationship with those working far from Allestree.
Our COMMUNITY CONNECT Team encourages our church to love and serve our local community through events, groups and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. This includes seasonal celebrations like Christmas and Easter, regular courses like Hope Explored, and emphasis on prayer behind it all.
ROOTED is a group for our Old Young People (aged roughly 18-30) with community, fun and social events for those of a similar age whether they’ve just arrived in Derby or been here for years, whether they’re staying for a long time or just passing through. We try to build up and encourage OYPs in their faith in Jesus Christ, ensuring that however long each member stays at Woodlands Church, they will feel part of our church.